Monday, December 01, 2008


Outlook journal

Started using outlook journal to keep track of my time spent on daily tasks.
:) not that am getting very organized et al., but this is the outcome / hard realization out of the pain involved in filling up the timesheets for almost three months in a bunch. I don't think i would like to scuffle in my outlook and try to deduce what i was working on a daily basis - over the past three months one more time ever! whew!
Pain in the bum!

Better get wiser by tracking things as is and when!

Friday, November 21, 2008


A sweet and sour day!

:( A Very bad start to the day, today! One of the rare moments when you feel like vanishing off - at the whim of a thought, or to get the "Click" remote and rewind...pause...change things!

Whew! There are some things - which details - i'd never get myself to express or share publicly. But only whine about that something nasty happened! Today's scenes were one such showcase!

But i should say - i survived the blast! Left out dazed and dizzy for sure but i could stay detached. Am surprised about that myself!

And once at office, things changed - change of moods... work, and am fine!

but something within has been impacted ... a hit deep down for sure. i will get to realize that over a period of time!

already feeling aloof, detached and lost! But may be this time - its for my own good! ;)

Monday, September 29, 2008


Live to make an impact!

Live to make an impact!
Its like a vegetable to have lived long enough and did nothing but to melt away the days in routine!
Make the living itself a meaningful purpose, than to run behind knowing the purpose of life.

Well, thats something for myself from myself, in a flash of motivational thought.
Yes, am on the way back to finding my good old high spirited self.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

a must read for all architects : ;)
interesting read : ... they found that presenting the concrete architecture gives visibility of unexpected architectural interactions, and that the logical view (UML package diagram and class diagram) was the most useful in understanding the system
too tired today. Overslept and now stuck in traffic.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

70% of uds completed. Feels good with the progress.

Monday, July 28, 2008

left ofc early. Got to select leather for sofa.
a sudden flash of thought - approach life with a reckless abandon! As in cooking!
It dawned upon me that the first application i launch every day is FF! subconsciously, addicted to the web!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

feeling better mentally! the home interiors are shaping up good... hopefully expect things to get completed by another week / 10 days!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Reading .a whack on the side of the head.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

finally done with moving the heavy weights up the apt. Now to get them within the wardrobes. It'll be a close call.
shifting heavy godrej bearaus to the new apt. Bummer the power is gone! Waiting for the elixir of modern life to be back.
solved a tricky problem for a colleague which had been persisting for a long time. stupid IE proxy issue!
checking up finally, got a beta code! yippie!

Monday, July 07, 2008


Thoughts from the past...part 1

Something which i had penned up a few years back, during one of those feeling "bare it all" moments! makes perfect sense upto this date! read on!

I have all things one would need to lead a comfortable life. Thank you my lord. You've given me all i "need".

But for this vaccum. An Empty feeling to go with!

It accompanies like a mandatory dessert thurst upon following a hearty meal onto a hunger starved stomach and thanks to the dessert - ending up with an upset stomach!

:) Yes! it does have a trace of humour in a way! In your own mysterious way!

The most trusted folks mistake me! When all looks just perfect and in serene harmony, off comes a storm from nowhere, sudden and unexpected. Issues of one or the other kind.

Well yes! Things do get settle down over a while, not very unlike the storm calming down eventually and ... alas - certainly leaving away the marks of its fury!

The impact is profuse, when it is with trusted folks!

Life, as am observing ... unfolds itself in an interesting cycle. Only the exact sequence of happenings & the duration does vary.

For starters, lets say ... it all starts on a happy note, there's this period of absolute bliss... Calm & Content feel all around.... in and out...@home,, wealth, friends & relatives.

..and then comes a twist!
something happens...
and the harmony is disrupted.

Lets say @ office... a sudden political issue/crisis crops up out of nowhere... or a project failure! It boils and boils and reaches its pinnacle... before finally subsiding ever so slowly... leaving for sure a trail of damages!

This phase, especially related to ofc gets me worried and insecure easily... and often shatters whatever is left of my ego. As the side effects it gets me onto a depressive cycle, and at times reaching to the extents of wrecking havoc on my confidence.

But again...! Things Change!

As and when just recovering from this, the next tide will fall over as fast as the previous. This time lets say it'd be the home front!
A new battlefield... sometimes the elders, sometimes the betterhalf, sometimes its myself and at times its the triggers from the outsiders ... the relatives!

Unprecedented ... unnecessary arguments, flares of anger, outbursts & showers of emotions. Though these would be very short lived (off late! :) and ever so thankful to the almighty). RCA most often than never, traces the core causes to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, perspectives... mostly driven by lack of patience and fueled by assumtions (thoughts without being voiced & confirmed for clarity).

Negativity...Distruptive emotions and assumptions take up the drivers' seat, pushing back the positive outlooks and magnanimous let go / forgive n forget attitude..., killing naivity, ignoring innocence ...

all in all in their combined chaos driving themselves and others with swells of pain!

As the sun rises bringing light to the day... day after day, driving away the darkness .. So does these issues subside and wane away, but surely after living up their tenure, as does the night lasts for 12 hours! :)

Then strikes the health factor! oh my! this one is pathetic of all!
Makes me hate doctors, nurses, hospitals, pharmacists & the pharma companies! (these are my personal experiences. there are certainly doctors and institutions i respect and take in awe - but they are a few in thousands if not in millions! :))

its a loooooooong post, and hence ... to be continued!

Sunday, July 06, 2008


My fav. Snap of kiddo.

Took this when he was around 10 months!

Posted by ShoZu

Friday, June 27, 2008


did i say i changed my phone?

well, it wasn't a willful thing...
with all the trouble in taking calls, i would not have parted away with my p800!

alas, it happened so - one wretched day, on a foul mood and furious temper took away my rationale for a moment and the poor p800 had its final kiss of life on a mortal embrace with the wall, ending up a vegetable.

The display is gone totally, though i occasionally feel the starting tremors of the battery when i try to switch it on. I still have hopes to recover all the precious data within.

So, i switched on to a new phone.
Back to nokia after almost 4+ years with sony ericsson.

I got myself a slim n tall beauty - The nokia E51!
I should say, it has already found its place with me, seldom letting me remember the absence of my good old p800.

:) One of those very few material possessions i cherish for in life.


Music to ears...

Kiddo is forming words now... He's pretty active and keeps roaming around the house ... end to end... talking and cooing and making all sorts of sounds! :)

Delight to watch!
So sweet to watch him take shape ... growing bigger by the day and acquiring new skills. I miss him a lot. It is just 10 days since he's gone to his grandparents' house. and it seems eons.

What would i call this?!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


To ponder!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Moving ahead...

After a span of almost 3.5 years, the fish moves (inevitably) out of the pond that had had become its home (alas, a Mirage that it turned out to be)! Not a good feeling at all, even though the new destination is a much bigger lake and is lush green, as the fish has to part with a father figure, who has invariably become a part of life - someone in whose presence the fish had grown accustomed to be in peace and a reassuring calmness.

And now, the fish is going to be in the wild as in the past! :)
SIGH! C'est la Vie!
pour ne pas s'inquiéter. je survivrai !

Monday, February 25, 2008


Kiddo waves bye! :)

kiddo waved me bye today to office. :) it was a cute, sweet gesture, coming from the tiny tot and cheered me up, coming as a pleasant surprise! He has learnt to blabber bah-bye in his own childish language off late, but to see that he has learnt enough to co-ordinate the bye-bye with waving his tiny hands, as i set out in the car.
:) sweet moments of being a proud dad.

It sure would be a pleasant time watching him grow.